
Monday, March 4, 2013

Evening Out & Music

I had an unexpected evening out minus the kids (and husband, who kindly let me go while he stayed home).  My parents, sister and her husband had concert tickets at a local theatre.  My dad ended up being sick therefore I was called in for backup. It was a tough job but someone had to do it. I left poor hubby home with two overly–tired-missed-their-naps kids.   I had no idea what concert I was going to so I was pleasantly surprised when I REALLY enjoyed the music.   I had originally thought I was going to blog today about when I am without my kids I still end up thinking about them and probably talking about them way to much. While listening to the opening artist I started thinking about things I hope for my girls as they grow up.  But, I decided that was too deep for a Monday blog post.  Instead I will share some of the pictures of the evening. I am better at pictures than words anyway :) 

The band who doesn't have faces in the photo is actually Robert Earl Keen and my family members are not really crazy people with red eyes :)!!!
Robert Earl Keen (who wrote this song) was a lot of fun to listen as well as the opening artist by the name of Andrea Davidson. You can check her out on you tube. I would definitely like to see her in concert again. 

An unexpected night out that included Mexican food, margaritas, music and finishing up at George's was just what I needed before a long work week ahead. 


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