
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Weekly Updates

I recently came across a blog called I like Beer and Babies by a very funny mom. Any person who has a blog name like that can be my blog friend.  She does a weekly posting called Puppy Dogs and Rainbow Fridays as a reminder that life is good.  In it she lists all the things that week "that made puppy dogs and rainbows fly out of my ass".  I asked her if I could start a similar post on my blog and she kindly gave me permission.   I am still trying to think of a name to call my weekly postings.  I am open to suggestions, so please comment below for name ideas!!!

Things this week that reminded me in between the toddler battles that life is good.

Impromptu dance parties.

RAGBRAI route announcement.

Modelo and lime.

Newborn babies. Welcome to the world Drew, Gwen and Beckett.

Snow Days.

New Slippers. 

And don't forget to go check out I like Beer and Babies.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Toddler Life

Greta recently started singing her ABC's.  You will also note she dressed herself hence the backwards cubs t-shirt. Or she takes after her mom and likes her shirts the wrong way.

Greta is also a budding photographer.  I think I am going to start posting "Life Through Greta's Eyes" here on my blog.  To get us started here are a couple pictures I found on my phone this morning.

She must of been pretty proud of her straw and play-doh creation as I found multiple shots likes this in different places in the kitchen.

If I only knew what went on in that head??!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Signs you are a Mom

A few sure signs you are a mother to young children.  This list may or may not be from recent personal experience.

  • Half way through the day you realize you forgot to snap your nursing bra. Awesome. Boobs already hang down way to low in non supportive nursing bra. Not hooking the bra just made them hang down a little more. Snap bra as soon as no one is looking and hope to god that no one noticed you looked a little droopy on one side.
  • Use the restroom at work to notice you have snot/food/spit-up on the shoulder of your black sweater. 
  • Once again when using the bathroom at work, you find out your shirt is on inside out! What?? How did you not notice when its a hooded sweatshirt?? In the rush to get kids out the door you didn't bother to look in the mirror.  
  • Finding pacifiers in pant pockets when you are not even with your kids. You never know when that sucking need will happen, good thing you brought your pacifier. 
  • Getting peed on in the morning while changing a diaper. It required you to change your pants. Not ones that were worn for two weeks straight that desperately needed washed but the pants you actually washed the night before.  
  • You finally have the kids to bed. Hallelujah. Upon laying down you notice the sheets on your side smell a little funky. Oh yes how could you forget that is where you were when you got peed on while changing the diaper. You are so tired and want to go to bed there is no time to change/wash sheets. Solution; turn the sheets and blankets the other way so head is not lying in the stink. Hopefully you remember tomorrow to wash them.
The list could go on and on, but I will save some for another day.  Any good mom stories from you? Would love to hear them.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Catching Up

It has been awhile since I last made a post. My excuse is life got in the way. A few posts have been drafted but by the time I go to finish them I decide it wasn’t worth sharing!  You would get to read a lot more if I posted as soon as I had a thought. Lucky you, that doesn't usually happen.
Yesterday was my birthday. Birthdays as you get older and become a parent are not quite what they used to be. My husband and I stopped doing birthday gifts after the first year of marriage. A simple happy birthday is enough.  I do kind of, sort of, hope my husband remembers though.  He forgot.  I kept thinking at some point during the day it would hit him. Nope. I wasn’t planning on telling him until the next day. He suddenly realized it was my birthday while I was texting with a friend from college right before going to bed.  Men.  It only took the whole day and most of the evening.  I haven’t decided yet how he is going to pay me back.  I will have to hold it against him for the next year....that way he won't forget my next birthday.
Since I haven’t posted for a while I also haven’t shared pictures.  Here are some pictures to get you caught up!
Thanks to my Mom we did have a birthday celebration tonight. She sent home brownies and candles so Greta could sing me happy birthday!

Birthday Party attendees
Uncle(Brother) Abe and Greta playing the ipad together. Melts my heart!

Greta and August looking cute at our Christmas gathering.

Matilda showing off her new slippers. 

We recently went bowling with friends. The girls loved it!! Definitely something we will have to do again. Didn't keep score, but I think the little girls did better than the adults.  
Great form!

Cute Miss Dorie taking her turn. 
Greta posing for the camera. Love this picture!

We told Greta if she slept in her bed she could pick out a toy at the store. She chose play doh and is loving it. Too bad the bribery only worked for one night. As I write this, I am sitting next to her on the couch waiting for her to go to sleep!!! Ahhh....

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Favorite Shot of 2012

I came across the website about a month ago that holds a monthly photo challenge. While I know it is a long shot for me to actually win a photo challenge being I am far from a professional I decided to put myself out there anyway. This months challenge is to select your favorite shot of 2012.  Since I only bought my camera in November I don't have a ton of pictures to choose from but I still had a hard time deciding. In the end I picked a favorite of one of my girls.  The settings on the camera or lighting might not be perfect but I love the expression on her face. It is so my Greta girl.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I have newborn babies on the brain. 

A friend from high school recently had a sweet baby boy who I can't wait to meet.  Then my good friend from work is due in a few weeks and I am also expecting a new niece or nephew around the same time. Love it!!! Oh and how could I forget an old college teammate is expecting twins!! She lives in California so I don’t know when I will get to meet them but hope she posts lots of pictures on facebook for us. With all of these babies coming into the world it got me thinking I better have another baby. No…not really! Well yes, it does but I told myself I need to wait a bit longer if I want to keep my sanity.  It does get me thinking about all the baby products I like.  Here is a list of some of my favorite baby products for any of you expecting moms or if you are looking for a gift for a new mom.
aden + anais swaddle blanket 
These blankets are great. They are so soft and not too heavy. I am currently trying to hold myself back from buying more.
Blooming Bath   
You won't use this for a long time but I still think it is worth it.  I used it in the sink and bathtub.  Works great, plus its super-duper cute.

Mustela PhysiObebe No Rinse Cleansing
Really like this face/bum wash and smells so good. I have to admit it has been used as a substitute for a bath from time to time. I have also used a few of the other Mustela products and like them all. 
Leg Warmers 
LOVE these!!  Makes diaper changes so easy and once again super-duper cute. There are all kinds of brands out there but have found I really like the leg warmers from my little legs. Prices are good and the more you buy the bigger the discount. Works for both babies and toddlers. Greta likes to wear them to gymnastics and gets lots of compliments.
I used it daily for the first few months (or more) when nursing. I even take it to the hospital with me. When you are nursing every couple hours it is so nice to have the extra support.  Also works well for baby tummy time. 

Hooter Hiders
Great nursing cover if you are going to be out in public.  I used it a lot more with Greta then Matilda but not sure why. I think I figured out how to nurse more discreetly without the cover or I didn't care who saw what, but still a great item to have in the diaper bag. 

Greta and Matilda modeling some of the products.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
I celebrated New Year’s Eve-Eve (our made up holiday the day before New Year’s Eve) with my mom, sister and a good friend. We sure did bring in New Year’s Eve with a bang!!  We kept the local Mexican restaurant open an hour later then the sign on the door and then stopped at the bars on the way home. We were about the only people in each one. Strange? Who doesn’t go out on a Sunday night AND New Year's Eve-Eve? It was so much fun I think we might have to make it a tradition! 

The real New Year’s Eve was spent with family and friends. I managed to stay awake till Midnight, as did Matilda! She was my first kiss of the New Year.  
This is what she looked like the next day. That is some awesome hair!  Her mom may have looked the same but we won’t post that picture.

I am not big on New Year’s resolutions.  They seem like a good idea but I am horrible on following through and then end up disappointed, so why even make them? But this year I am going to give it a try. Maybe putting them out there for all to see will help.  Here we go………..
Exercise more or I should say start exercising. I might join the new year bandwagon and get a gym membership! Yikes!
Find time to use the gym membership.
Eat healthier. I think I gained 10 lbs over the holidays. No joke.
Have more date nights.
Be more patient. My 2 ½ year old tests me every day.
Get organized. Stay that way.
Follow the budget. That reminds me I need to make the budget first.
Get control over my bed from the two dogs and a 1 year old. Two of the three think sleeping on or very close to me is the way to go.
Well that’s a pretty big list for not doing resolutions and I don’t want to overwhelm myself!
Now go and make 2013 a great year!
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